Friday, February 29, 2008

Finally Getting The Secret!!!

The Secret

I remember when the Secret first came out I didn’t think I needed to read it. Not because my life was that fantastic, but because I already read dozens of manifestation books on the market, including the ones mentioned in the book (“The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace Wattles and “The Master Key System” by Charles Haanel). I ended up reading the book and watching the DVD. I thought it was a good book. I found it to be enlightening albeit very basic. I think the reason why I looked down on it was because I was pretty good at manifesting what I wanted in my life – at least according to the people around me.

I fell into a dry spell and became depressed for awhile. I went back to read the Secret again and I saw it from a different perspective. Maybe I was in the right place, but I became aware of how much my feelings were making an impression on my reality. I really took the concept of the thinking substance really seriously and thought about how I am creating my reality with every impassioned thought and feeling. I also somehow realized how much I needed to trust in the Universe.

Since then, I have been trusting the Universe, being in the flow and shifting my awareness to what I want to create, thinking in terms of life, love, peace, etc. I became aware of the subtle internal ways I try to control things.

Read the Secret and pay attention to everything it says.

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