Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Do The Right Thang

I notice that the times when I experience success, reach my goals and manifest what I want is when I do all that I'm supposed to do whether I feel like it or not. In my mind it means doing all the requirements of my job to my fullest before I can expect promotion. It means doing everything that a DJ/Producer/Artist is supposed to do. Although I am relating it to material things in this post, it also means being the best boyfriend/partner/son/friend I can be as well. I came to that conclusion (ie I clearly articulated it in my mind)today and received an awesome confirmation of that thought today! I picked up a copy of 'Super Rich' by Russell Simmons and it said
I'm always struck by how many people fail to see the connection between giving and attraction. People will tell me they're writers but aren't writing anything at the moment because it's hard to find writing gigs these days.....whenever I hear that sort of talk, I say " STOP MAKING EXCUSES AND GO DO WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING!" I like when that happens.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Urban Mystic Reopening!!!

I decided after a pretty long hiatus to reopen my blog (with some encouraging from my girlfriend). I was having loads of thoughts, opinions and spirituality that would not fit into a single FB post.

I have had a spiritual curiousity as of late, and I felt like exploring again and not being afraid of verbalizing the things that have been gurgling up in me for quite awhile. The pot has been boiling and this is the steam so to speak.

I changed the look a bit and am thinking that the look should keep changing (it, like myself, being a work in progress), or at least being open to change.

Please join me! I welcome your comments!
