Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Do The Right Thang

I notice that the times when I experience success, reach my goals and manifest what I want is when I do all that I'm supposed to do whether I feel like it or not. In my mind it means doing all the requirements of my job to my fullest before I can expect promotion. It means doing everything that a DJ/Producer/Artist is supposed to do. Although I am relating it to material things in this post, it also means being the best boyfriend/partner/son/friend I can be as well. I came to that conclusion (ie I clearly articulated it in my mind)today and received an awesome confirmation of that thought today! I picked up a copy of 'Super Rich' by Russell Simmons and it said
I'm always struck by how many people fail to see the connection between giving and attraction. People will tell me they're writers but aren't writing anything at the moment because it's hard to find writing gigs these days.....whenever I hear that sort of talk, I say " STOP MAKING EXCUSES AND GO DO WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING!" I like when that happens.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Urban Mystic Reopening!!!

I decided after a pretty long hiatus to reopen my blog (with some encouraging from my girlfriend). I was having loads of thoughts, opinions and spirituality that would not fit into a single FB post.

I have had a spiritual curiousity as of late, and I felt like exploring again and not being afraid of verbalizing the things that have been gurgling up in me for quite awhile. The pot has been boiling and this is the steam so to speak.

I changed the look a bit and am thinking that the look should keep changing (it, like myself, being a work in progress), or at least being open to change.

Please join me! I welcome your comments!


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The End

I although I hadn't really written anything in over a year now,
I felt compelled for no reason other than my own to close out this blog officially.
Maybe on some level I feel drawn to make an official close to this blog because it could possbily be an energy thing or most likely it's probably just my imagination.
Nevertheless, I feel the right thing to do is to say bye for now. Ultimately the reason being and the easiest answer is that it's not really where I am at right now so I might as well cut it off officially and give new energy to what
I am doing now.

Thank you for signing up and I hope that whenever you came here you received something.

Please visit my new blog To Serve man at where you can find out what I am up to.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

cry sweet freedom

The Buddha teaches us not to believe anything just because someone tells us that it is true.

One day I came to the realization that most of my life and our lives are totally governed by other people – for instance your parents tell you “ When you get your own place, you can do what you want, but while you are in my house…” you get the idea. When you are in school you are taught the ‘right way’ up through college where you don’t even learn how to balance a checkbook, or the basic means to managing your life. On the average job, you are a slave to your paycheck, where you get a bit of independence.

Have I ever had a genuine thought of my own that wasn’t generated or influenced by culture, my parents, etc?

Have you?

Friday, July 18, 2008


Would you like to unlock the mysteries of the Tarot? Expand your spiritual life?
Seek guidance in all areas of your life?

In this 3 hour workshop I will cover

The origins/history of Tarot
Working with the different decks
The world of the court cards
Understanding the 22 Major cards of the deck
Uncovering the Magical/Qabalistic roots of the cards
Supplementing your spiritual life with the Tarot
A comprehensive look at the different tarot spreads and
finding the one that works for you
How to read /understand your future using the deck
A free reading*

This free reading can happen anytime within 30 days of the class!

date: Monday August 3rd
Time: 7 – 10pm
Price: $100
Location: TBA

You can sign up and paypal me at

Limited Seating Available

Mantra Discipline DAY 12 - The Mountain of No

For some reason I REALLY didn't want to do it this morning. There was something inside me that said " I don't want to do this mantra stuff at all this morning" I was tired and wanted to sleep. But it was deeper than a tiredness. It was pure irrational stubbornness. I did it anyway. I felt good afterwards. I wish I could say that it felt ridiculsouly better afterwards, but I didn't. I am glad that I did it anyway because I have to push foreward to finish the discipline and get the results.

Thomas Ashley -Farrand, the guy who wrote the book said that your ego or the karma that is lodged within you will try to resist so that you won't continue so I expected it but I didnt think it would be so strong. It was like a big mountain of no!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mantra discipline

I have been doing a new mantra practice that I have been trying to continue for forty
days. I knew from my biblical studies and my esoteric studies that 40 was the number of testing and judgment – it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, Christ was tempted of Satan for 40 days and apparently the Buddha was under the Bodhi tree for 40 days before he was enlightened.

The practice means that you have to do the mantra for 40 days without fail. If you miss a day you have to start the practice over. This is my second start. Although some of the books say you should start with one mantra, I have at least 12 that I am practicing with regularity. I love it as a spiritual practice

a) I like it because its something that I can practice all of the time (on the train, waiting in line, etc)
b) I am noticing some significant changes right away (a lot internal and external)
c) It helps me to redirect and sometimes quiet my mind

I have seen some major/minor miracles (including gaining $400 in one day), smoothness in every aspect of my life.

For example I have been doing some Lakshmi Mantras

Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha
Om Shrim Maha Lakshmiyei Swaha

I do one for the fulfillment of desires
Ha Sa Ka La E I La Hrim
Om Sarva Karmadaya Nahama

For Planetary Remedies
Om Shri Shaishwaraya Swaha
Om Angarakaya Namaha
Om Suryaya Namaha

For Spiritual guidance
Om Nama Shivaya
Om Namo Narayanaya