Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mantra discipline

I have been doing a new mantra practice that I have been trying to continue for forty
days. I knew from my biblical studies and my esoteric studies that 40 was the number of testing and judgment – it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, Christ was tempted of Satan for 40 days and apparently the Buddha was under the Bodhi tree for 40 days before he was enlightened.

The practice means that you have to do the mantra for 40 days without fail. If you miss a day you have to start the practice over. This is my second start. Although some of the books say you should start with one mantra, I have at least 12 that I am practicing with regularity. I love it as a spiritual practice

a) I like it because its something that I can practice all of the time (on the train, waiting in line, etc)
b) I am noticing some significant changes right away (a lot internal and external)
c) It helps me to redirect and sometimes quiet my mind

I have seen some major/minor miracles (including gaining $400 in one day), smoothness in every aspect of my life.

For example I have been doing some Lakshmi Mantras

Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha
Om Shrim Maha Lakshmiyei Swaha

I do one for the fulfillment of desires
Ha Sa Ka La E I La Hrim
Om Sarva Karmadaya Nahama

For Planetary Remedies
Om Shri Shaishwaraya Swaha
Om Angarakaya Namaha
Om Suryaya Namaha

For Spiritual guidance
Om Nama Shivaya
Om Namo Narayanaya


Anonymous said...

hi!! great to read the blog. I'm starting out with mantras too. I have one question is the mantra 'Ha Sa Ka E I La Hrim/Om Srava Karmadaya Namaha' or is it 'Ha Sa Ka E I La Hrim/Om Sarva Kamadaya Namaha'?

Anonymous said...

Ha Sa KaLa ee I La Hrim
is Kubera's wealth mantra

Om Sarva Kamadaya Namaha
is for fufillment of desires

-Many thanks to Namadeva

kate said...

i love seeing stuff like this out here! i just started working for this global cause that's all about cultural sustainability through art, music and film. i just graduated, so working for a global cause has been such a great first experience. it's a nice reminder that there is a whole big world beyond campus walls. they have these great daily mantras with photographs and stuff and indigenous music. check out their facebook if you are interested: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Last-Voices/213978194896?ref=ts